Browsing Archive: March, 2010

Financing Higher Education & Health Care Reform?

Posted by John Fees on Monday, March 29, 2010, In : Education Reform 
Last week attached to the Health Care bill was a little noticed or discussed reformation of the nations student lending business.    I won't debate the merits of either financing option (federal or private), but the public remains distracted by the main topic which is the rapidly increasing cost to attend college.

Just this weekend, the Boston Globe wrote about "the number of schools in the region...

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The Big Short - the value of being an outsider

Posted by John Fees on Wednesday, March 17, 2010, In : Entrepreneurship 
I have enjoyed reading The Big Short by Author Michael Lewis.   I recommend the book to everyone,  not to learn about CDO's or even the money laundering machine that was built on Wall Street, but to discover the value of being an outsider.   The value of being outside the system, immune a bit to the group think of heards / of the momentum of markets.   Maybe that is why it is good to live in Omaha or other places where you can get perspective on how to create real value and identify opportuni...
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About Me

John Fees John Fees is an entrepreneur, strategic marketing executive and business leader in the fields of affinity, collegiate and partnership marketing. During the course of his career, John has founded and led successful companies specializing in strategic marketing and media, affinity, partnership marketing and financial services. Currently, he serves as the co-founder & managing director of NGI Group. NGI Group is a large shareholder in portfolio companies including GradGuard, MassDrive & MyLifeProtected.